개발171 [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Local History Local History Local History lets you track all changes to files, classes, methods, or any code fragments and roll back to any stable point if necessary. To view local history, from the main menu, select File | Current File | Show History. 2023. 8. 7. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Debugger Debugger If you want to log program state during debugging, use non-suspending breakpoints. Select the expression that you want to log, hold Shift , and click the gutter at the line where the expression should be logged. In the example, sent.size() will be logged upon reaching line 24. 2023. 8. 4. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : View recent files View recent files Press Ctrl E (View | Recent Files) to view the list of recently opened files. 2023. 7. 31. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Change focus in tool windows Change focus in tool windows Escape in any tool window moves the focus to the editor. Shift Escape moves the focus to the editor and hides the current or the last active tool window. F12 moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window. 2023. 7. 27. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Version Control Version Control IntelliJ IDEA provides out-of-the box integration with the following version control systems: Git, Mercurial, Subversion, and Perforce. Version your application to collaborate on it, as well as to eliminate the risks of storing all of your codebase locally. Press Alt 9 to view the history of the changes in the project or press Ctrl K to send your local changes to the repository. 2023. 7. 26. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Quick code documentation Quick code documentation To quickly see the documentation for a class or method at the caret, press Ctrl Q (View | Quick Documentation). 2023. 7. 21. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Navigate to implementation Navigate to implementation To navigate to the implementations of an abstract method, position the caret at its usage or its name in the declaration and press Ctrl Alt B . 2023. 7. 20. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Select In Select In To quickly select the currently edited element (a class, file, method, or field) in another view, press Alt F1 or call Navigate | Select In. 2023. 7. 19. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Surround code fragments Surround code fragments You can quickly wrap a code block in useful constructs. Select it in the editor and press Ctrl Alt T (Code | Surround With). The list of available options or wrappers is context-sensitive and depends on the language. 2023. 7. 18. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : The Rename refactoring The Rename refactoring You can easily rename your classes, methods, and variables with automatic correction of all places where they are used. Position the caret at the symbol you want to rename, and press Shift F6 (Refactor | Rename). Type the new name and press Enter . 2023. 7. 17. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Evaluate expression Evaluate expression You can execute expressions or reassign values for variables while your script is stopped by a breakpoint. The Evaluate Expression functionality helps you to obtain additional details about the program state or test various scenarios at runtime. • If the expression is present in the code, hold Alt (on Windows and Linux) or ⌥ (on macOS) and click it. If you want to evaluate a .. 2023. 7. 13. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ View Git blame annotations Git annotations show detailed information on the origin of each code line (right-click the gutter and select Annotate with Git Blame). Right-click an annotation and choose Show Diff to review the differences between the current and the previous version of the file. 2023. 7. 13. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 15 다음