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[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Use color for data sources Use colors for data sources You can use colors to distinguish between your data sources and their elements. To set a color to a data source or its object, right-click the element in the Database tool window ( View | Tool Windows | Database ) and select Tools | Set Color. 2023. 11. 15.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Inspect Code Inspect code Use Code | Inspect Code to run code analysis for the whole project or a custom scope and examine the results in a separate window. 2023. 11. 8.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Camel case in search Everywhere Camel case in Search Everywhere Use camel case in the Search Everywhere popup (double Shift ) to filter the list of results when searching for a class, file, or symbol. 2023. 11. 7.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ 에서 오라클 프로시저 로그 테스트 하는 방법 IntelliJ 에서 오라클 DB에 붙어 프로시저 테스트 시 로그를 출력 할 수 있는 방법을 알아 본다. (IntelliJ 에서는 프로시저 디버깅이 안된다.) 프로시저의 로그는 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() 함수를 사용하는 것이다. 우선 프로시저에 원하는 위치에 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() 함수를 삽입니다. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("출력하고 싶은 데이터 :" || 변수); 변수의 값과 문자열을 파이프( || ) 기호로 묶어서 쓸 수 있다. 그리고 DB console 창에 DECLARE - BEGIN - END 형식으로 프로시저를 호출한다. DECLARE O_ERRORCODE VARCHAR2(1000); O_ERRORMESG VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN P_.. 2023. 11. 1.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Override methods Override methods You can easily override methods of the base class by pressing Ctrl O (Code | Override Methods). To implement methods of the interfaces (or of the abstract base class) that the current class implements, press Ctrl I (Code | Implement Methods). 2023. 10. 6.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Code generation Code generation IntelliJ IDEA can generate getter and setter methods for fields in your class. With the caret inside the class, press Alt Insert (Code | Generate). 2023. 10. 5.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Create code constructs with completion Create code constructs with completion You can create code constructs using statement completion. Start typing a method declaration, a method call or a statement such as if , do -while , try -catch , or return . Press Ctrl Shift Enter to complete the statement into a syntactically correct construct. 2023. 10. 4.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Live templates Live templates Use live templates to insert frequent code constructs. For example, type psvm and press Tab to insert the main() method declaration template, then type sout to insert a print statement. 2023. 9. 27.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Postfix code completion Postfix code completion Postfix code completion is applied from right to left to avoid backward caret jumps when coding. Type a dot . after the code fragment that you want to change and select the desired option. To see the suggestion list with postfix templates, you can also press Ctrl J . 2023. 9. 26.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Quick Definition Quick Definition Press Ctrl Shift I (View | Quick Definition) to preview the definition or content of the symbol at the caret, without opening it in a separate editor tab. 2023. 9. 25.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Switch scheme Switch scheme You can apply a different code style, coloring scheme, or keymap with a single keystroke right from the editor. Press Ctrl Back Quote (View | Quick Switch Scheme) to specify the scheme you want to switch to. 2023. 9. 22.
[Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : View Git blame annotations View Git blame annotations Git annotations show detailed information on the origin of each code line (right-click the gutter and select Annotate with Git Blame). Right-click an annotation and choose Show Diff to review the differences between the current and the previous version of the file. 2023. 9. 21.