개발/개발 기타70 [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Navigate to implementation Navigate to implementation To navigate to the implementations of an abstract method, position the caret at its usage or its name in the declaration and press Ctrl Alt B . 2023. 7. 20. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Select In Select In To quickly select the currently edited element (a class, file, method, or field) in another view, press Alt F1 or call Navigate | Select In. 2023. 7. 19. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Surround code fragments Surround code fragments You can quickly wrap a code block in useful constructs. Select it in the editor and press Ctrl Alt T (Code | Surround With). The list of available options or wrappers is context-sensitive and depends on the language. 2023. 7. 18. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : The Rename refactoring The Rename refactoring You can easily rename your classes, methods, and variables with automatic correction of all places where they are used. Position the caret at the symbol you want to rename, and press Shift F6 (Refactor | Rename). Type the new name and press Enter . 2023. 7. 17. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ : Evaluate expression Evaluate expression You can execute expressions or reassign values for variables while your script is stopped by a breakpoint. The Evaluate Expression functionality helps you to obtain additional details about the program state or test various scenarios at runtime. • If the expression is present in the code, hold Alt (on Windows and Linux) or ⌥ (on macOS) and click it. If you want to evaluate a .. 2023. 7. 13. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ View Git blame annotations Git annotations show detailed information on the origin of each code line (right-click the gutter and select Annotate with Git Blame). Right-click an annotation and choose Show Diff to review the differences between the current and the previous version of the file. 2023. 7. 13. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ View Git blame annotations Git annotations show detailed information on the origin of each code line (right-click the gutter and select Annotate with Git Blame). Right-click an annotation and choose Show Diff to review the differences between the current and the previous version of the file. 2023. 7. 13. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ View Git blame annotations Git annotations show detailed information on the origin of each code line (right-click the gutter and select Annotate with Git Blame). Right-click an annotation and choose Show Diff to review the differences between the current and the previous version of the file. 2023. 7. 11. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ Expand code selection Press Ctrl W to expand code selection. Each time you press Ctrl W , the selection expands to other areas of code. For example, the selection expands from a method name to the expression calling this method, then to the whole statement, then to the containing block, and so on. 2023. 7. 7. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ Camel case in code completion You can narrow down a list of code completion suggestions by using camel case prefixes. 2023. 7. 3. [Tip of the day] IntelliJ Show usages You can view the list of all usages of a class, method or variable across the whole project, and quickly navigate to the selected item. Place the caret at a symbol and press Ctrl Alt F7 (Edit | Find Usages | Show Usages). To jump to a usage, select it from the list and press Enter . 특정 메서드나 객체 등에 커서가 위치한 상태에서 Ctrl + Alt + F7 을 클릭하면 해당 메서드나 객체등을 사용하고 있는 목록을 보여 준다. 다른 소스에서 해당 메서드나 객체등을.. 2023. 6. 28. [Tip of the Day] IntelliJ Paste from the clipboard history Press Ctrl Shift V to select the text fragment that you have previously copied to the clipboard. 이 Ctrl + Shift + V 를 하면 아래 그림과 같이 클립보드에 있는 히스토리를 보여준다. 커서가 위치한 곳에서 [Paste] 나 [Paste as Plain text] 버튼을 클릭하면 선택한 내용이 붙여넣기 된다. 2023. 6. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음